Traditional Chinese Medicine – TCM, is a medicine whose development is generaly dated 3000 years B.C.
The first attested medical writings documented are date between 580 and 320 BC.
They appear in the collection of Zuo Zhuan written in the fifth century BC.
Therfore, they are contemporaries of the Hippocratic Greek texts.
Traditional Chinese Medicine is based on the theory of complementarities.
There is two kind of energies
YANG Energy male, from the sky
YIN Energy female, from the earth
They are complementary and are not opposed to each other.
One begins where the other ends as well symbolizes the Tao.
TCM – is based on the theory of the : functioning of the human’s and animal’s body in good health, in the point of view of its anatomy, its physiology and its psychology.
TMC also tries to explain causes of diseases with the biologicals ans psychological mechanisms which have an impact on the body. A pathology can have several physicals or psychologicals causes from differents parts of the body.
TMC tries to understand the human and the animal as a whole, as well he is healthy or sick, both in terms of visible or invisible symptoms, by managing the balance of internal energy called:
Qi or Tchi. 氣
For the Chinese therapeutic, the choice of the points, and their combinations is almost exclusively based
on the theory of meridians.
This theory of meridians and chakras is widely used for some treatments such as the:vibropuncture, digitopressure and treatments with traditional Chinese plants.
Stimulating these points create a sensation that is added to the therapeutic effect.
It is the arrival of « Qi » or energy 氣