Our friends the animals are well adapted to our lifestyle. They bring us many moments of joy and complicity.
They did not speak, but if we take the time to listen and watch them, they make us understand many differents things.
They can be very sensitives, capricious, players but they are so endearing.
I love animals. I grew up with dogs and I practice horse riding since nine years old. I have cat who is all white and a Sacred of Bimania kitten which has now 11 months.
I am working into a horse school since end of 2017. Thorought my job I am every day in contact with horses and poneys.
The medical diapasons are perfect for all animals. They are painless and non-stressful.

Each diapason correspond to the vibration of a planet.
The diapasons I am using most are :
Lunar diapason – calms and soothes
Solar – stimulate
Help in case of :
Muscle pain and osteoarthritis.
Problemes related to: stress, behavior, diet, digestion, sexuals, heart.
Relaxation and stimulation for the preparation for shows or competitions.