This is a technique of well-being by the sound’s massage or a electrical stimulation on the meridians and chakras to treat.
It was created by Tibetan monks and date of 3,000 years B.C.
The sonotherapy, boost or, provide a deep relaxation and self-healing through therapeutical sounds whose emit vibrations.

The sound consists of an harmonic structure which, when it is projected on the sensitive material reveals beautiful geometric shapes as his image. The sound «sculpt» the air, structure the water and can make vibrate all kinds of materials by renonance by leaving their harmonic print.
We are made of water at 70 or 80%. The sound resonates in the same way into our body and can also introduce changes at the molecular and sub-molecular level. In particular of the water molecule structuring.
The sound can resonate into: our bones structure, our muscles, tendons, nerves, organs and be transmitted to the atoms that constitute us.
Instruments used:
Therapeutic diapasons
Tibetan bowls